becoming a camo franchise

When you become a Campus Movement franchise, not only will we provide catalytic events and staff training & support, but we will also provide your church the “Campus Movement” name/logo, branding/marketing, financial support training, continuous ministry resources, and more on-the-ground staff training. Becoming a part of the franchise can help your church’s college ministry thrive and ensure that you are reaching the most students for Christ and training them up to be healthy church members for a lifetime.


When you join the CAMO franchise, you will be provided with everything you need to launch your ministry under the name “Campus Movement.” You will be provided with a website unique to your campus, CAMO logos, and all design templates to use in order to promote your new CAMO ministry.


We want to equip your local church with the necessary skills and tools to do “on the ground” college ministry. Reaching college students with the gospel takes a lot of time and requires a lot of strategy. We have strategic experience building college ministries and have numerous skills and tools we can offer churches on how to build self-sustaining, multiplying college ministries that will help change the world.

initial campus investigation

When you become a CAMO franchise, one of our staff will visit your church for an initial campus visit and investigation. The goal of this visit will be to begin strategizing how to meet students to engage them with the gospel through the use of a campus investigation tool. After this initial campus visit and investigation, you would be equipped with the following:

  • This will be specific to your campus and will help you think about the best ways to move forward with launching your ministry as well as potential avenues for ministry growth in the future.

  • After using the Campus Investigation tool, we will help you form a ministry strategy plan. This will be a very practical guide for you to use to structure and launch your ministry.

  • We will leave you with a functional weekly schedule template for your staff to use to plan their time each week. This will help with understanding the balance of time for on-campus ministry and off-campus planning.

evangelism & discipleship tools

In addition to helping you to develop a ministry strategy, we will train your staff in specific ministry tools. Over many years, we have been developing a set of resources that are simple, practical, and useful, especially in the college ministry context. These resources will aid you in the process of evangelizing the lost and establishing/equipping new believers.

    • Strategies for reaching lost students during your ministry launch

    • Evangelistic diagrams/illustrations to use in your personal ministry

    • Access to 6-week Evangelistic Bible Studies to engage students with their spiritual condition

    • Access to resources for new believers to learn basic Christian skills such as how to share their testimony, share the Gospel, study God’s Word, pray, etc.

    • Strategies and structures for forming discipleship groups

    • Semester-long discipleship content for both new believers and maturing believers alike

catalytic events

One of the greatest advantages of your participation in the CAMO Network is the opportunity to come together with other campuses for multiple large events each school year. These events each serve a unique purpose in furthering your ministry on the campus. We take care of the behind-the-scenes planning and details leaving your staff with more time and energy for personal ministry.

resources & Materials

When you become a part of the CAMO Network, you will have access to all resources and tools that we have developed and are continuing to develop. You will have full access to print and use them as you see fit to aid your campus ministry.

examples of resources provided:

    • Evangelistic Bible Studies

    • Evangelism Diagrams

    • Worksheets for Evangelism Training

    • Bible studies for new believers with a focus on foundations of the faith

    • Worksheets on Bible study tools and strategies

    • Discipleship studies through books of the Bible

    • Tools to develop your students into spiritual leaders

    • Personal Ministry Plan Outlines

    • Event Planning Grids

    • Staff Self-Reflection/Accountability Sheets

financial support training

Building a college ministry takes focus and a team. Many churches fail at college ministry because there isn’t a concentrated effort to build a ministry team. Churches need full-time staff whose sole responsibility is to evangelize and disciple students on the campus. To relieve the burden on your church to fully provide financially for your campus ministry staff, we provide the training for staff to raise financial support to cover their salary and all ministry costs. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • An Initial Support Training Class

  • Wisdom in Making Financial & Budgeting Decisions

  • Strategy for How to Talk to Your Church About Financial Need

  • Guidance in Financial Support Processes & Systems

  • Strategy for Hiring More Staff in the Future

accountability & mentorship

It is important for your ministry staff to be able to get support and advice from people who have been in the same situations and circumstances. We have staff that have been doing college ministry for several years and can speak from personal experience. There will be times when you will not know what to do next to move your ministry forward or are unsure how to handle a certain on-campus situation. We are here to help you navigate those difficult situations.

We will also provide times throughout the year for your staff to continue to be developed spiritually and strategically as a college minister. These times will include times of encouragement, training, and development.


$500/MONTH (OR $6,000/YEAR)