CAMO Winter Conference is our most strategic evangelistic event throughout the year. This five-day conference provides your ministry with multiple opportunities for your students to hear from God’s Word while also providing your staff with strategic times to come alongside your students and help them think through the content they are learning. This conference is a great event for both unbelieving students and maturing believers alike.


indianapolis, in

december 16th-20th, 2024

main sessions

Students will have the opportunity to hear God’s Word preached from main speakers on topics such as the gospel, lordship, disciple-making, and more! These sessions are engaging and provide great conversation starters for your staff and students.


Between main sessions, students have the opportunity to attend seminars on multiple different topics such as how to study God’s Word, how to fight sin, and how to build a personal ministry. Students are able to decide which breakout sessions to attend based upon their current spiritual needs and interests.

relational time

One great thing about CAMO Winter Conference is the time available for staff and students to spend together. There is time set aside to explore the city, have engaging discussions over meals, or stay up into the late hours of the night making memories.